xxHash 0.8.3
Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash function
No Matches
xxhash.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <altivec.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  XXH32_canonical_t
 Canonical (big endian) representation of XXH32_hash_t. More...
struct  XXH64_canonical_t
 Canonical (big endian) representation of XXH64_hash_t. More...
struct  XXH128_hash_t
 The return value from 128-bit hashes. More...
struct  XXH128_canonical_t
struct  XXH32_state_s
struct  XXH64_state_s
struct  XXH3_state_s


 Gives access to internal state declaration, required for static allocation.
 Gives access to internal definitions.
 Exposes the implementation and marks all functions as inline.
 Exposes the implementation without marking functions as inline.
 Emulate a namespace by transparently prefixing all symbols.
#define XXHASH_H_5627135585666179   1
#define XXH_PUBLIC_API   /* do nothing */
 Marks a global symbol.
#define XXH_PUBLIC_API   /* do nothing */
 Marks a global symbol.
#define XXH_CONSTF   /* disable */
#define XXH_PUREF
 Version number, encoded as two digits each.
#define XXH_SCALAR   0
 Possible values for XXH_VECTOR.
#define XXH_SSE2   1
#define XXH_AVX2   2
#define XXH_AVX512   3
#define XXH_NEON   4
#define XXH_VSX   5
#define XXH_SVE   6
#define XXH_LSX   7
#define XXH_LASX   8
#define XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN   136
#define XXHASH_H_STATIC_13879238742
#define XXH_ALIGN(n)
#define XXH_ALIGN_MEMBER(align, type)
 Default Secret's size.
#define XXH3_INITSTATE(XXH3_state_ptr)
 Initializes a stack-allocated XXH3_state_s.
#define XXH3_MIDSIZE_MAX   240
 Maximum size of "short" key in bytes.
#define XXH_IMPLEM_13a8737387
 Define this to disable 64-bit code.
 Controls how unaligned memory is accessed.
#define XXH_SIZE_OPT   0
 Controls how much xxHash optimizes for size.
 If defined to non-zero, adds a special path for aligned inputs (XXH32() and XXH64() only).
 When non-zero, sets all functions to static.
#define XXH3_INLINE_SECRET   0
 Determines whether to inline the XXH3 withSecret code.
#define XXH32_ENDJMP   0
 Whether to use a jump for XXH32_finalize.
 Disables the streaming API.
#define XXH_FORCE_INLINE   static
#define XXH_NO_INLINE   static
#define XXH_STATIC   static
#define XXH_RESTRICT   /* disable */
#define XXH_DEBUGLEVEL   0
 Sets the debugging level.
#define XXH_ASSERT(c)
#define XXH_CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN   XXH_isLittleEndian()
 Whether the target is little endian.
#define XXH_GCC_VERSION   (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
#define XXH_HAS_BUILTIN(x)
#define XXH_ASSUME(c)
#define XXH_rotl32(x, r)
#define XXH_rotl64(x, r)
#define XXH_PRIME32_1   0x9E3779B1U
#define XXH_PRIME32_2   0x85EBCA77U
#define XXH_PRIME32_3   0xC2B2AE3DU
#define XXH_PRIME32_4   0x27D4EB2FU
#define XXH_PRIME32_5   0x165667B1U
#define XXH_get32bits(p)
#define XXH_PROCESS1
#define XXH_PROCESS4
#define XXH_PRIME64_1   0x9E3779B185EBCA87ULL
#define XXH_PRIME64_2   0xC2B2AE3D27D4EB4FULL
#define XXH_PRIME64_3   0x165667B19E3779F9ULL
#define XXH_PRIME64_4   0x85EBCA77C2B2AE63ULL
#define XXH_PRIME64_5   0x27D4EB2F165667C5ULL
#define XXH_get64bits(p)
#define XXH_likely(x)
#define XXH_unlikely(x)
#define XXH_HAS_INCLUDE(x)
 Overrides the vectorization implementation chosen for XXH3.
#define XXH_ACC_ALIGN   8
 Selects the minimum alignment for XXH3's accumulators.
 Overrides the vectorization implementation chosen for XXH3.
#define XXH_ALIASING   /* nothing */
 Controls the NEON to scalar ratio for XXH3.
#define XXH_VSX_BE   0
#define ACCRND(acc, offset)
#define XXH_PREFETCH(ptr)
#define XXH_SECRET_DEFAULT_SIZE   192 /* minimum XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN */
#define XXH_STRIPE_LEN   64
#define XXH_SECRET_CONSUME_RATE   8 /* nb of secret bytes consumed at each accumulation */
#define XXH_ACC_NB   (XXH_STRIPE_LEN / sizeof(xxh_u64))
#define XXH_PREFETCH_DIST   512
#define XXH_TARGET_AVX512   /* disable attribute target */
 Like XXH_TARGET_SSE2, but for AVX512.
#define XXH_TARGET_AVX2   /* disable attribute target */
 Like XXH_TARGET_SSE2, but for AVX2.
#define XXH_TARGET_SSE2   /* disable attribute target */
 Allows a function to be compiled with SSE2 intrinsics.
#define _LSX_SHUFFLE(z, y, x, w)
#define _LASX_SHUFFLE(z, y, x, w)
#define XXH3_accumulate_512   XXH3_accumulate_512_avx512
#define XXH3_accumulate   XXH3_accumulate_avx512
#define XXH3_scrambleAcc   XXH3_scrambleAcc_avx512
#define XXH3_initCustomSecret   XXH3_initCustomSecret_avx512
#define XXH_SECRET_LASTACC_START   7 /* not aligned on 8, last secret is different from acc & scrambler */
#define XXH3_INIT_ACC
#define XXH_MIN(x, y)


typedef uint32_t XXH32_hash_t
 An unsigned 32-bit integer.
typedef struct XXH32_state_s XXH32_state_t
 The opaque state struct for the XXH32 streaming API.
typedef struct XXH64_state_s XXH64_state_t
 The opaque state struct for the XXH64 streaming API.
typedef struct XXH3_state_s XXH3_state_t
 The opaque state struct for the XXH3 streaming API.
typedef unsigned char xxh_u8
typedef XXH32_hash_t xxh_u32
typedef uint64x2_t xxh_aliasing_uint64x2_t XXH_ALIASING
typedef __vector unsigned long long xxh_u64x2
typedef __vector unsigned char xxh_u8x16
typedef __vector unsigned xxh_u32x4
typedef long long xxh_i64
typedef void(* XXH3_f_accumulate) (xxh_u64 *restrict, const xxh_u8 *restrict, const xxh_u8 *restrict, size_t)
typedef void(* XXH3_f_scrambleAcc) (void *restrict, const void *)
typedef void(* XXH3_f_initCustomSecret) (void *restrict, xxh_u64)
typedef XXH64_hash_t(* XXH3_hashLong64_f) (const void *restrict, size_t, XXH64_hash_t, const xxh_u8 *restrict, size_t)
typedef XXH128_hash_t(* XXH3_hashLong128_f) (const void *restrict, size_t, XXH64_hash_t, const void *restrict, size_t)
typedef uint64_t XXH64_hash_t
 An unsigned 64-bit integer.


enum  XXH_errorcode { XXH_OK = 0 , XXH_ERROR }
 Exit code for the streaming API. More...
enum  XXH_alignment { XXH_aligned , XXH_unaligned }


unsigned XXH_versionNumber (void)
 Obtains the xxHash version.
XXH32_hash_t XXH32 (const void *input, size_t length, XXH32_hash_t seed)
 Calculates the 32-bit hash of input using xxHash32.
XXH32_state_tXXH32_createState (void)
 Allocates an XXH32_state_t.
XXH_errorcode XXH32_freeState (XXH32_state_t *statePtr)
 Frees an XXH32_state_t.
void XXH32_copyState (XXH32_state_t *dst_state, const XXH32_state_t *src_state)
 Copies one XXH32_state_t to another.
XXH_errorcode XXH32_reset (XXH32_state_t *statePtr, XXH32_hash_t seed)
 Resets an XXH32_state_t to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH32_update (XXH32_state_t *statePtr, const void *input, size_t length)
 Consumes a block of input to an XXH32_state_t.
XXH32_hash_t XXH32_digest (const XXH32_state_t *statePtr)
 Returns the calculated hash value from an XXH32_state_t.
void XXH32_canonicalFromHash (XXH32_canonical_t *dst, XXH32_hash_t hash)
 Converts an XXH32_hash_t to a big endian XXH32_canonical_t.
XXH32_hash_t XXH32_hashFromCanonical (const XXH32_canonical_t *src)
 Converts an XXH32_canonical_t to a native XXH32_hash_t.
XXH64_hash_t XXH64 (const void *input, size_t length, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Calculates the 64-bit hash of input using xxHash64.
XXH64_state_tXXH64_createState (void)
 Allocates an XXH64_state_t.
XXH_errorcode XXH64_freeState (XXH64_state_t *statePtr)
 Frees an XXH64_state_t.
void XXH64_copyState (XXH64_state_t *dst_state, const XXH64_state_t *src_state)
 Copies one XXH64_state_t to another.
XXH_errorcode XXH64_reset (XXH64_state_t *statePtr, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Resets an XXH64_state_t to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH64_update (XXH64_state_t *statePtr, const void *input, size_t length)
 Consumes a block of input to an XXH64_state_t.
XXH64_hash_t XXH64_digest (const XXH64_state_t *statePtr)
 Returns the calculated hash value from an XXH64_state_t.
void XXH64_canonicalFromHash (XXH64_canonical_t *dst, XXH64_hash_t hash)
 Converts an XXH64_hash_t to a big endian XXH64_canonical_t.
XXH64_hash_t XXH64_hashFromCanonical (const XXH64_canonical_t *src)
 Converts an XXH64_canonical_t to a native XXH64_hash_t.
XXH64_hash_t XXH3_64bits (const void *input, size_t length)
 Calculates 64-bit unseeded variant of XXH3 hash of input.
XXH64_hash_t XXH3_64bits_withSeed (const void *input, size_t length, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Calculates 64-bit seeded variant of XXH3 hash of input.
XXH64_hash_t XXH3_64bits_withSecret (const void *data, size_t len, const void *secret, size_t secretSize)
 Calculates 64-bit variant of XXH3 with a custom "secret".
XXH3_state_tXXH3_createState (void)
 Allocate an XXH3_state_t.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_freeState (XXH3_state_t *statePtr)
 Frees an XXH3_state_t.
void XXH3_copyState (XXH3_state_t *dst_state, const XXH3_state_t *src_state)
 Copies one XXH3_state_t to another.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_64bits_reset (XXH3_state_t *statePtr)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_64bits_reset_withSeed (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t with 64-bit seed to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_64bits_reset_withSecret (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, const void *secret, size_t secretSize)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t with secret data to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_64bits_update (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, const void *input, size_t length)
 Consumes a block of input to an XXH3_state_t.
XXH64_hash_t XXH3_64bits_digest (const XXH3_state_t *statePtr)
 Returns the calculated XXH3 64-bit hash value from an XXH3_state_t.
XXH128_hash_t XXH3_128bits (const void *data, size_t len)
 Calculates 128-bit unseeded variant of XXH3 of data.
XXH128_hash_t XXH3_128bits_withSeed (const void *data, size_t len, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Calculates 128-bit seeded variant of XXH3 hash of data.
XXH128_hash_t XXH3_128bits_withSecret (const void *data, size_t len, const void *secret, size_t secretSize)
 Calculates 128-bit variant of XXH3 with a custom "secret".
XXH_errorcode XXH3_128bits_reset (XXH3_state_t *statePtr)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_128bits_reset_withSeed (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t with 64-bit seed to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_128bits_reset_withSecret (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, const void *secret, size_t secretSize)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t with secret data to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_128bits_update (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, const void *input, size_t length)
 Consumes a block of input to an XXH3_state_t.
XXH128_hash_t XXH3_128bits_digest (const XXH3_state_t *statePtr)
 Returns the calculated XXH3 128-bit hash value from an XXH3_state_t.
int XXH128_isEqual (XXH128_hash_t h1, XXH128_hash_t h2)
 Check equality of two XXH128_hash_t values.
int XXH128_cmp (const void *h128_1, const void *h128_2)
 Compares two XXH128_hash_t.
void XXH128_canonicalFromHash (XXH128_canonical_t *dst, XXH128_hash_t hash)
 Converts an XXH128_hash_t to a big endian XXH128_canonical_t.
XXH128_hash_t XXH128_hashFromCanonical (const XXH128_canonical_t *src)
 Converts an XXH128_canonical_t to a native XXH128_hash_t.
XXH128_hash_t XXH128 (const void *data, size_t len, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Calculates the 128-bit hash of data using XXH3.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_generateSecret (void *secretBuffer, size_t secretSize, const void *customSeed, size_t customSeedSize)
 Derive a high-entropy secret from any user-defined content, named customSeed.
void XXH3_generateSecret_fromSeed (void *secretBuffer, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Generate the same secret as the _withSeed() variants.
XXH64_hash_t XXH3_64bits_withSecretandSeed (const void *data, size_t len, const void *secret, size_t secretSize, XXH64_hash_t seed)
 Calculates 64/128-bit seeded variant of XXH3 hash of data.
XXH128_hash_t XXH3_128bits_withSecretandSeed (const void *input, size_t length, const void *secret, size_t secretSize, XXH64_hash_t seed64)
 Calculates 128-bit seeded variant of XXH3 hash of data.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_64bits_reset_withSecretandSeed (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, const void *secret, size_t secretSize, XXH64_hash_t seed64)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t with secret data to begin a new hash.
XXH_errorcode XXH3_128bits_reset_withSecretandSeed (XXH3_state_t *statePtr, const void *secret, size_t secretSize, XXH64_hash_t seed64)
 Resets an XXH3_state_t with secret data to begin a new hash.
XXH_STATIC xxh_u64 XXH64_finalize (xxh_u64 hash, const xxh_u8 *ptr, size_t len, XXH_alignment align)
 for (i=0;i< XXH_STRIPE_LEN/sizeof(__m256i);i++)
 XXH_ASSERT ((((size_t) acc) &(XXH_ACC_ALIGN-1))==0)
XXH3_WITH_SECRET_INLINE XXH64_hash_t XXH3_hashLong_64b_withSecret (const void *restrict input, size_t len, XXH64_hash_t seed64, const xxh_u8 *restrict secret, size_t secretLen)
XXH3_WITH_SECRET_INLINE XXH128_hash_t XXH3_hashLong_128b_withSecret (const void *restrict input, size_t len, XXH64_hash_t seed64, const void *restrict secret, size_t secretLen)


static XXH_TARGET_AVX512 const void *restrict secret
const __m512i prime32 = _mm512_set1_epi32((int)XXH_PRIME32_1)
__m512i const acc_vec = *xacc
__m512i const shifted = _mm512_srli_epi64 (acc_vec, 47)
__m512i const key_vec = _mm512_loadu_si512 (secret)
__m512i const data_key = _mm512_ternarylogic_epi32(key_vec, acc_vec, shifted, 0x96 )
__m512i const data_key_hi = _mm512_srli_epi64 (data_key, 32)
__m512i const prod_lo = _mm512_mul_epu32 (data_key, prime32)
__m512i const prod_hi = _mm512_mul_epu32 (data_key_hi, prime32)
xacc = _mm512_add_epi64(prod_lo, _mm512_slli_epi64(prod_hi, 32))
const __m256i *const xsecret = (const __m256i *) secret
size_t i
uint32x2_t const kPrimeLo = vdup_n_u32(XXH_PRIME32_1)
uint32x4_t const kPrimeHi = vreinterpretq_u32_u64(vdupq_n_u64((xxh_u64)XXH_PRIME32_1 << 32))
xxh_u64x2 const v32 = { 32, 32 }
xxh_u64x2 const v47 = { 47, 47 }
xxh_u32x4 const prime = { XXH_PRIME32_1, XXH_PRIME32_1, XXH_PRIME32_1, XXH_PRIME32_1 }
static void const *restrict size_t lane
xxh_u64 acc64 = xacc[lane]
typedef XXH64_hash_t xxh_u64

Detailed Description

xxHash prototypes and implementation

Macro Definition Documentation


#define XXH_ALIGN ( n)
/* disabled */


#define XXH_ALIGN_MEMBER ( align,
type )
XXH_ALIGN(align) type



Default Secret's size.

This is the size of internal XXH3_kSecret and is needed by XXH3_generateSecret_fromSeed().

Not to be confused with XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN.


#define XXH3_INITSTATE ( XXH3_state_ptr)
do { \
XXH3_state_t* tmp_xxh3_state_ptr = (XXH3_state_ptr); \
tmp_xxh3_state_ptr->seed = 0; \
tmp_xxh3_state_ptr->extSecret = NULL; \
} while(0)
struct XXH3_state_s XXH3_state_t
The opaque state struct for the XXH3 streaming API.
Definition xxhash.h:1244
const unsigned char * extSecret
Definition xxhash.h:1796
XXH64_hash_t seed
Definition xxhash.h:1792

Initializes a stack-allocated XXH3_state_s.

When the XXH3_state_t structure is merely emplaced on stack, it should be initialized with XXH3_INITSTATE() or a memset() in case its first reset uses XXH3_NNbits_reset_withSeed(). This init can be omitted if the first reset uses default or _withSecret mode. This operation isn't necessary when the state is created with XXH3_createState(). Note that this doesn't prepare the state for a streaming operation, it's still necessary to use XXH3_NNbits_reset*() afterwards.


#define XXH_PROCESS1
do { \
hash += (*ptr++) * XXH_PRIME32_5; \
hash = XXH_rotl32(hash, 11) * XXH_PRIME32_1; \
} while (0)
#define XXH_PRIME32_1
Definition xxhash.h:2906
#define XXH_PRIME32_5
Definition xxhash.h:2910


#define XXH_PROCESS4
do { \
hash += XXH_get32bits(ptr) * XXH_PRIME32_3; \
ptr += 4; \
hash = XXH_rotl32(hash, 17) * XXH_PRIME32_4; \
} while (0)
#define XXH_PRIME32_4
Definition xxhash.h:2909
#define XXH_PRIME32_3
Definition xxhash.h:2908